ADDY Nurse

Exclusively for You!

Redeem your free pack of ADDY™ or get 50% off your first order today. ADDY™ helps improve focus and concentration to help keep you on task for hours. Hours of natural energy from the raw coffee plant.  WGCP, the active ingredient was clinically tested by the Cleveland Clinic.  Say goodbye to unhealthy energy drinks.

Exclusively For You

Redeem your free pack of ADDY™ or get 50% off your first order today. ADDY™ helps improve focus and concentration to help keep you on task for hours. Hours of natural energy from the raw coffee plant.  WGCP, the active ingredient was clinically tested by the Cleveland Clinic.  Say goodbye to unhealthy energy drinks.

ADDY™ 15 Pack

What you should know about ADDY™?

ADDY™ does not require a prescription. The renowned Cleveland Clinic clinically tested Addy’s active ingredient WGCP™. The study results revealed an improvement in two of the “executive functions” of the brain: focus and sustained attention, which are considered important to learning, studying, and test performance in academic settings.

College Students: Free ADDY Pack Offer!